General Practice
We have a wide range of appointments and availability to facilitate your personalised care at a time which is convenient for you.
Lecale Clinic have a wide range of ENT services that cover general ENT complaints, Endoscopic ear wax removal and microsuction and Nasal Cautery.
Minor Surgery
Lecale Clinic provides a wide range of minor surgery services for benign skin lesions such skin tags, cysts as well as nail problems. Our services range for cryotherapy to surgical excision, as well as joint injections
We provide a wide range of blood tests, allergy testing, ECGs and respiratory investigations including spirometry and FeNO (asthma diagnosis).
General Practice Overview
Your health is your most important asset. At Lecale Clinic we firmly believe in holistic, patient centred care so that we can fully address your all of your health concerns.
GP Appointments
Our GP appointments give you the flexibility and preference of time and duration. We can facilitate longer appointments so that you can get more than one issue addressed within the same appointment.

20 Minutes
This appointment is ideal for common problems such as a sore throat, acne, rash, urine infection or a problem that has started more recently. It is also useful for repeat or review visits.

30 Minutes
This appointment is ideal for longstanding or more complex problems. Many people prefer a longer consultation to understand clearly what is going on, to ask questions, or discuss in detail a longstanding problem. It is also an appropriate appointment for medicals.

45 Minutes
A longer appointment is useful if you have multiple complaints or for longstanding concerns that will require a longer assessment period. It is useful for mental health concerns. This appointment gives us time to understand more clearly what the problem might be and to make a clear plan to address it systematically.

Video or Telephone Consultation
This is suitable when examination is not required. It may be beneficial for review appointments, repeat prescriptions or referrals.

20 Minutes
This appointment is ideal for common problems such as a sore throat, acne, rash, urine infection or a problem that has started more recently. It is also useful for repeat or review visits.

30 Minutes
This appointment is ideal for longstanding or more complex problems. Many people prefer a longer consultation to understand clearly what is going on, to ask questions, or discuss in detail a longstanding problem. It is also an appropriate appointment for medicals.

45 Minutes
A longer appointment is useful if you have multiple complaints or for longstanding concerns that will require a longer assessment period. It is useful for mental health concerns. This appointment gives us time to understand more clearly what the problem might be and to make a clear plan to address it systematically.

Video or Telephone Consultation
This is suitable when examination is not required. It may be beneficial for review appointments, repeat prescriptions or referrals.
Lecale Clinic's GP Director
Dr McGreevy is a Private GP with a special interest in Ear, Nose and Throat, Travel Medicine and Medical Aesthetics.
Having graduated from Queens University, Belfast in 2007, Dr McGreevy initially pursued a surgical career with a focus on ENT. She is a member of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons in Edinburgh and Ireland and has a Diploma in Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. She has 3 years of surgical experience prior to entering General Practice training in 2012. She continues to work part time in the ENT department in the Southern Health and Social Care trust.
Special focuses through her GP career have been on dermatology (skin conditions), child health, obstetrics and gynaecology and also travel medicine.
Dr McGreevy has a Diploma in Travel Medicine and is a member of The Faculty of Travel Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow (RCSPG), the only faculty of its kind in Europe. It is a world leader in setting standards of care for the prevention and treatment of sickness and trauma in travellers. Lecale Clinic provides a Travel Service in keeping with the guidance outlined in the RCSPG’s ‘Good Practice Guidance for Providing a Travel Health Service’.
Dr McGreevy first trained with Oris Medical in 2015 for medical aesthetics and is currently in the process of completing Level 7 training with the Harley Academy in London.
Dr Angela E McGreevy

Lecale Clinic's GP Director
Dr McGreevy is a Private GP with a special interest in Ear, Nose and Throat, Travel Medicine and Medical Aesthetics.
Having graduated from Queens University, Belfast in 2007, Dr McGreevy initially pursued a surgical career with a focus on ENT. She is a member of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons in Edinburgh and Ireland and has a Diploma in Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. She has 3 years of surgical experience prior to entering General Practice training in 2012. She continues to work part time in the ENT department in the Southern Health and Social Care trust.
Special focuses through her GP career have been on dermatology (skin conditions), child health, obstetrics and gynaecology and also travel medicine.
Dr McGreevy has a Diploma in Travel Medicine and is a member of The Faculty of Travel Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow (RCSPG), the only faculty of its kind in Europe. It is a world leader in setting standards of care for the prevention and treatment of sickness and trauma in travellers. Lecale Clinic provides a Travel Service in keeping with the guidance outlined in the RCSPG’s ‘Good Practice Guidance for Providing a Travel Health Service’.
Dr McGreevy first trained with Oris Medical in 2015 for medical aesthetics and is currently in the process of completing Level 7 training with the Harley Academy in London.
Dr Angela E McGreevy