Lecale Clinic Specialises in Travel Medicine
Lecale Clinic provides a comprehensive travel assessment, vaccination schedules along with relevant advice and resources to keep you safe and healthy while abroad. Lecale Clinic provides a Travel Service in keeping with the guidance outlined in the RCSPG’s ‘Good Practice Guidance for Providing a Travel Health Service’.
Travel Health is an increasingly complex and rapidly evolving specialty. Not only are new diseases emerging but existing diseases are evolving, while travellers are visiting further afield and undertaking increasingly adventurous activities. While many people focus on vaccinations prior to travel, most (> 95%) travel-associated illness and/or injury cannot be prevented through vaccination (Behrens and Carroll 2012). Planning on travelling overseas leaflet.

Your Travel Risk Assessment Appointment
To adequately assess your needs we will ask you to complete a questionnaire prior to your appointment. Please be as detailed as you can. We will ask for details of:

Your previous and current health status

Your previous vaccination history and in particular, if you have had any travel vaccines before

Your detailed travel plans
Your travel consultation will include:

Yellow Fever
The administration of the Yellow Fever Vaccine is internationally regulated by The World Health Organisation (WHO) International Health Regulations (IHR). The yellow fever vaccine can only be administered at centres that have been designated by the national health administration (NATHNAC for Northern Ireland). Designated centres ensure the quality and safety of the procedures and materials used.
Proof of Yellow Fever vaccination (International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis – ICVP) is most often required for travellers journeying from countries with yellow fever to countries where transmission could occur (and sometimes for travellers transiting through such countries).
Vaccine Pricing List
Our comprehensive list of Vaccine prices will give you a guide to the cost of staying healthy and protected while travelling. Please book your 30 minute consultation for travel advice, this is charged at a fee of £60. Vaccine prices will be discussed at the appoinment,